Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A 3-Step Process For Working With Your Dreams

Dreams are a powerful tool in developing deep insight about yourself and your life purpose. They are a priceless source of inspiration and creativity, as witnessed by geniuses spanning the entire range between Einstein and Salvador Dali; both of whom worked with dream and fantasy in their work. 

In sleep, your spirit is unbound and you touch the subtle realms beyond waking reality. This is the place where the highest part of your consciousness, your Higher Self, can communicate directly to you. The language of this communication is the language of symbol and metaphor. 

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers their dreams. The following simple 3-step process will enable you to work with your dreams to gain deeper insights into your psyche: 

(1) Make a written declaration before you sleep. 

Say, or better still, write down a statement such as "I want to remember my dreams in order to receive valuable guidance". If you are already able to remember and capture your dreams, modify this question to "Which direction should I go in life?" or "Should I take that job?" or whatever. 

Put the declaration under your pillow before you go to sleep. 

(2) Perform stretching exercises before you get into bed. 

If you can touch your toes, then do so. At any rate, gently stretch your body so that it is relaxed and flexible. Once you are in bed and ready to sleep, you can also relax your body further. Tense and release each of your muscle groups in turn, beginning with your legs, and gradually working all the way up your body to your face. Take several deep breaths, and feel yourself relax more with each breath. 

The fact is that much of our sleep time is spent de-stressing the body, which is why people often do not sleep that well. Much of this de-stressing can be done before you ever drop off. 

(3) Write something down when you awake. 

It is necessary to awaken gently. If you can use an alarm clock that plays GENTLE music, e.g. chimes, that would be best. Once you are awake, write something down about your dream, even if it is just a feeling. 

Sometimes, if you cannot remember the dream straight away, simply lying there in your bed and pondering it will bring a fragment of the dream back. Write that piece down and often, the rest will return to you. If it does not, be content with what you have. 

If you really cannot remember anything at all, then still write something down. Often, your physical, mental or emotional state upon awakening is a direct result, a hangover if you will, from the dream you have just experienced. 

Be prepared for the need to persist with this process. It DOES work. Like any muscle that has been unused for years, your dream muscles may have atrophied through disuse. If you persist, the spiritual rewards and insights you gain will be very well worth it. 

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