Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Achieving Your Goals

Each night, we must examine the balance sheet of our day: what were our successes, what were our failures. And for all the successes, all our "plus-points," we must give credit to God. For, we have truly done nothing but let Him work through us. All credit goes to Him. We can say, "Thank you, God, for bringing success to this venture," or "Thank you God for letting me truly make a difference in someone's life today," or simply, "Thank you God for all that went well today."
Swami Chidanand Saraswati (Muniji)

If you observe the nature of doubt, it is always about something that is positive. You never doubt what is negative. You know this from your own experience. You doubt someone's honesty, but you never doubt dishonesty. You doubt the goodness of other people, but you never doubt their bad qualities. If someone says, "I love you very much," you say, "Really?" But if someone says, "I hate you," you never say, "Do you really?" Understand your doubt as questioning the positive and having confidence in what is negative, and know that if you are having doubt, there must be something good present. Approached in this way, doubt gives you a means to move ahead.
Sri Ravi Shankar

To be a sufi is to cease from taking trouble; And there is no greater trouble for thee than thine own self, for when thou art occupied with thyself, thou remainest away from God.

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