A panic attack is a state of acute anxiety. This anxiety manifests as various emotional states and bodily symptoms.
Panic attacks are not caused by external conditions. They are not caused by what you eat or what seems to threaten you, although they may be triggered by these things. A cause and a trigger are two different things. A panic attack is caused by one thing and one thing alone; fear. "But I am not afraid of anything" you may respond. You don't have to be threatened by anything major to experience intense fear.
We all experience little fears in our life. We are afraid our children will get hurt or our friends will not approve of us and so on. These little fears accumulate and become amplified unknowingly by various habits we engage in. The intense fear generated starts to interfere with the correct operation of our bodily systems and we experience what is called a panic attack.
Have you ever cooked meat on a barbecue using charcoal? What do you normally do when the heat emitted from the charcoal dies down? The answer is: you blow air on it by fanning with a piece of cardboard. This will give you a hint as to what habits you are engaging in, that are leading to intense fear. Let me give you an example to make this clearer. Suppose you are angry. Anger always involves a certain amount of fear. Your mind has a mechanism which changes this fear into restlessness in order to make it more tolerable to you. You still do not like this restlessness so you attempt to bury it by engaging in a pleasure form. This is done unknowingly and the pleasure forms pursued are numerous. Some people may indulge in drinking, others in smoking, eating and so on.
Many people indulge in sex in order to cover their restlessness. Sex is a potent energy. When this energy passes through your system it also passes through your suppressed fears and amplifies them considerably. This only creates further and more intense restlessness a short time later. Have you ever noticed how many people start smoking or raid the refrigerator shortly after having sex?
Indulging in pleasure forms in this way is like passing a stream of strong air over a dying fire. In other words when you use a negative state of mind to inspire a decision to create pleasure, it has the effect of reinforcing and amplifying the negative state of mind. Please do not misinterpret what I'm saying here. I am not asking you to give up your various forms of pleasure. You must learn to cultivate the right state of mind so that any decisions concerning pleasure forms will bypass your suppressed fears and have no unpleasant consequences.
Although a panic attack is caused by fear, we still need to know what causes fear. And let me add here that your fear is not caused by external influences, as many people believe. Unless you know what is causing your fear you will have no hope in overcoming your anxiety. The best you can do is control the symptoms of your anxiety by using medication or various meditative techniques. Unfortunately the cause of your fear will still exist in your system and will continue to create further symptoms.
Fear may manifest in many situations but is not necessarily caused by these situations. The area of relationships is one of them. Many relationships involve a great deal of fear. One needs to understand how to create harmonious relationships. This skill is quite involved. You need to understand how your mind and the minds of others operate and interconnect.
Furthermore fear is reinforced and intensified greatly by the expression of the various negative emotional states. Anger, hatred, jealousy and all unpleasant emotions lead to fear. One needs to learn to manage these emotions in oneself and in others in order to restrict the creation of fear. And in order for fear not to be created at all, one needs to know what causes these emotions and prevent them from occurring.
After all that is said and done, the problem is far from being solved. Even if I told you exactly what causes fear, it will be of no use to you. You will not be able to put this knowledge to any use. Why do you think this is so? You will never guess the answer in a million years. And even if I told you the answer you will not know how to solve the problem.
I have no intention here of being cruel and leaving you with a sense of hopelessness. If I told you what causes fear, you will not be able to use this knowledge because you are in the habit of forgetting things unknowingly. If I tell you something while we are seated in your lounge room you will forget it as soon as you walk out the door.
Have you driven from point A to point B via some landmark, say a bridge or a prominent building? As soon as you reach point B you have no memory whatsoever of passing the landmark. You know you must have passed it because the only route from point A to point B is via the landmark in question. Yet you cannot remember any experiences concerning the landmark. The above is only one small example. This problem is more widespread than you think.
As a matter of fact, this forgetting is so severe that you don’t even realize you have it. Think about this deeply. How can you know you have forgotten something when you have forgotten something? I am not playing with words here. I am describing a state of mind which has been operating in you all your life and has been undetected. It allows the creation of fear, pain and all kinds of unhappiness in your life unknowingly.
Negative emotions are not the only unpleasant consequence of this forgetting. Unconscious forgetting also severely distorts your sense of reason. If you do something that has consequences for you at a later date, how would you explain these consequences when you have forgotten that you caused them? You’ll be forced to invent a theory that is completely false. The theory will explain the consequences via all sorts of external influences. It will have nothing to do with you. You then invest your faith in this theory and attempt to teach others about its seeming truth. Are you 100 percent sure that most of information you are receiving about your life from various people that are supposed to be helping you is not coming from these types of theories? Are you also sure that these individuals are not suffering from this type of forgetting, just as you are?
Fortunately there is a way of solving these problems and ending your unconscious habit of forgetting. It is described in detail in my report.
Once you overcome fear, then depression and pain soon disappear. These states are intimately linked. They all reinforce one another. The creation and execution of one leads to the operation of the others. Once fear has been eliminated all your problems will end. This not only includes physical illness but also undesirable situations and events you may find yourself in at various times. The reason for this is also described in detail the report.
Are you brave enough to pursue the knowledge presented in the report? You have two alternatives; find the courage to pursue the truth or continue on the path you are traveling on.
The choice is yours
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